More flexibility with Safepay

Over the past few months, we've worked hard to increase the flexibility offered by Safepay

Safepay is designed to be the fastest way for ambitious businesses to start accepting payments on their websites or to send one-off invoices to their clients. Companies such as Ego, Kitchen Cuisine, AllMyTech, Smartchoice and Find My Adventure use Safepay so they can focus on their core businesses instead of building and maintaining highly available and compliant payments infrastructure.

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Over the past few months, we’ve added several new features to our dashboard as well as introduced support for more popular e-commerce platforms that these businesses rely on. These days businesses have the option to integrate Safepay in a variety of ways including but not limited to:

All of these integrations, while running on separate third-party platforms, have been designed and developed to be deeply integrated into Safepay’s core payments stack — for example, after every successful payment, our plugins will save Safepay specific transaction information with the order generated on the specific platform your business is running on.

So what’s new?

While the information stored by Safepay in your e-commerce websites admin dashboard helps with reconciling a payment with an order, many merchants have asked us to support the reverse reconciliation process: storing the associated e-commerce order identifier with the associated payment on the Safepay dashboard.

You spoke and we listened

Starting today, if you’re a business that has integrated Safepay with one of our supported plugins listed above or have integrated Safepay directly with our API, you will now start to see the source and order id of each payment on the payment details page.

The official sources we currently support are: woocommerce , shopify , opencart, magento, magento2 and custom .

What it looks like

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Navigate to the payment details page for any payment you’re interested in digging into. To learn how to access the payment details page, please refer to this guide.

Scrolling down, you’ll see a new section called Metadata. Over here you can find the source of the payment and its associated external order id. For instance, in the above image, the order originated from a Woocommerce website with an external order id of 45678.

What do you need to do?

If you’re using one of our plugins, then there is nothing you need to do. All of this will be handled for you.

If you’ve integrated Safepay through our API and our generating the redirect link on your backend, then we highly recommend that you make a small change to your codebase and substitute the value of the source parameter to custom to avoid any confusion your team may face.

If you have any questions related to how to successfully make this change, please reach out to us at and we will assist you.

Note for Shopify Merchants

If you’re using our Shopify plugin, the order id value shown on Safepay is actually the Shopify order reference number. This is because on Shopify, the order id that you see on your dashboard, is create after the customer completes the payment and is redirected back to your store. So there is no way for us to know the order id before hand. However, the order reference is as good as an order id to reconcile payments. Here are two screenshots on how it would look on Safepay and on your Shopify dashboard.

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Shopify order reference on Safepay
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Shopify reference number on shopify


We’ve been releasing updates and new features at the dizzying rate. If you’d like to learn more about what we’re working on, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Additionally, if you follow our blog you’ll be notified whenever we release something new. Thanks for reading!

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